Research Management Office


Reimagine Education Conference & Awards

Deadline: 16-Sep-22

Amount: 50,000 USD

Reimagine Education is a global conference and competition, open to educational innovators from all around the world. The conference brings together edtech startups, academic faculty from top institutions, Chief Innovation Officers, university leadership, teachers, and other stakeholders in the future of higher education teaching and learning.

Award Categories

  • AI in Education, Immersive Experiential Learning (XR, Metaverse, Gaming)
  • Access, Diversity & Inclusion
  • E-Learning, Digital Readiness (Data Analytics, Security, Privacy, Equity)
  • Breakthrough Tech Innovation in Education (ICT Tools, Edu Apps, Instructional Technologies)
  • The Power of Partnerships, Science of Learning, Lifelong Learning
  • Developing Emerging Skills, Nurturing Employability, Blended & Presence Learning, Learning Assessment
  • Nurturing Wellbeing & Purpose
  • Sustainability Education, Nurturing Values and Ethics, Innovation in Business Education

Applications to the 2022 Reimagine Education Competition should focus on enhancing learning outcomes, or students’ employability, or pertaining education in other relevant ways. Entries which will not meet these basic entry requirements, will be rejected. Winners will be announced at the Virtual Reimagine Education Conference (Dec 5-8, 2022).

For more information, Click Here